If we only knew then, what we know now…

Knowledge is a precious commodity.  It is usually appreciated after the consequences of the lack of knowledge become apparent.  If we only knew then what we know now…

There are, of course, various time-honored strategies for dealing with this.  One is blissful ignorance.  Another, related to the first,  is wishful thinking.  Still another, is finding stuff out on the internet, which bring to mind the admonition that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

This blog will share some of the insights that I have had over the almost two decades of working with people on their roofs.  The blog will look at actual examples, and discuss the lessons that can be learned.  It will explore the concerns and preoccupations of homeowners who are trying to ensure a solid roof over their heads.  And it will, if the interest is there, discuss what seems to work, and what definitely doesn’t.