Unintended consequences – Renos that make ice dams.

That is a curious result that happens.  Someone finally invests some serious money in upgrading their kitchen (or bathroom), installing beautiful cabinetry, gorgeous ceiling lights, and finally get the attractive and bright kitchen (or comfortable bathroom) that they always wanted.  The following winter, an ice dam forms.  The following year, the ice dam gets worse and the ceiling starts to leak after every thaw.  What’s going on?

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#&^!@%$ weather…

I don’t like the new “normal”.  Really.  It might be good for the roofing business, eventually, but it’s getting downright unhealthy.  -20 to -30C temperatures for weeks, followed by +6C this morning.  Wild (90+ kph) wind.  Pretty heavy rain.  Tomorrow’s forecast is for very cold temperatures, allowing all the wet snow to refreeze into blocks of ice.  We “might” escape the freezing rain with its accompanying chaos and power outages, but given Nature’s mood these days, I’m almost expecting a plague of ice-eating locusts.  Better go check my supply of batteries, candles, bottled water and gas for the generator.  Assuming I can hack through the ice to get to it.

No.  I don’t like the weather these days.  On the other hand, it could be Nature’s way of telling us that it’s getting tired of the abuse we seem to heap on it so readily.  If that’s the case, the ride’s going to get wilder.